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Rick Dorn delivers “Great Things”

With a cold strut that almost instantly clues us into what kind of a groove we’re about to be immersed in, Rick Dorn’s “Great Things” begins to wrap its warm arms around us. Whether you’re watching the swanky music video for this track or simply taking in the song all on its own, there’s an immediate vibe that we’re greeted with in “Great Things” that gets all the stronger once Dorn begins to sing. His voice carries forth a sense of faith, spirituality and calmness that extends well beyond his lyrics – the mission here, from where I sit, is to get us as chill as possible using nothing more than pure musicality. 

MORE ON RICK DORN: https://www.rickdorn.com/

Rick Dorn doesn’t have to raise his voice to make a big impact with his crooning; in all honesty, I think some of his most affective work in this track comes from the moments where he’s found half-whispering to the audience in what amounts to a serenade as sweet as honey. There’s nothing even remotely saccharine about his delivery, nor the narrative he seeks to convey to us here, but his brooding comes to the audience more through a tonal optimism than it ever does any lyrical ranting. Life is too short for sorrow, and to a large extent, that’s what this song really is all about. 

“Great Things” spends almost five minutes basking in the glow of its own rhymes and their accompanying grooves before returning into the silence from which it came ripping through at the start of the song, leaving behind it a trail of curious listeners who will likely be awaiting the next dispatch from this up and coming gospel-soul singer. Rick Dorn still has a lot of ground to cover if he’s going to break the establishment’s back, but in this single and its video, he proves he has the chops to compete with the best players in the game today. 

Mindy McCall



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