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What music affects your studying in the best way

The Mozart effect or the Mozart myth, how it was later called, is the misconception people had a few decades ago that listening to Mozart’s music makes you smarter. There was a study conducted by a doctor who said that college students have increased their IQ just by listening to Mozart’s sonata. Everyone went crazy. However, it was proved a few years later that listening to Mozart’s music does not make you smarter. And everyone was disappointed to hear this. 

But these results do not send the message that music does not have any effects. Listening to music while studying and not only, can have positive effects on your memory, mood, and creativity. 

Music Can Improve Your Mood 

There is a growing body of research on this topic and this is because everyone is interested in how music improves your mood. Listening to music is known to release dopamine, which is a key neurotransmitter that helps us feel pleasure and satisfaction. This means that while we listen to music, dopamine is released in our brains, and we feel happier. Studies have shown that people who listen to happy music, have boosted their mood in the next two weeks. 

However, for music to have such an effect, it is important to choose the genre carefully. Happy music is described by upbeats, fast tempos, and major keys. On the other side, sad music is described by low tempos and minor keys. So, if you choose the right music style, it can boost your mood considerably. 

Why is mood important when studying? We all know that life is made of good and bad moments. But sometimes, a bad mood can have negative effects on your learning performance. Some studies confirm this view. A bad mood impairs your learning process and affects the way you process information. So, it is likely that a student who is in a bad mood will spend more time and focus more resources on studying, compared with a student in a good mood. 

Music Can Improve Your Creativity 

Many students tasks require some creativity to be accomplished. Teachers are not looking for recycled information and solutions, but for creative and ingenious ones. Listening to music is known to promote divergent thinking, a key process of creativity. 

Divergent thinking is the thinking process in which one generates many ideas, while it explores many possibilities and options. Divergent thinking is thinking in a broader sense and seeing the bigger picture, while also caring for details. 

This type of thinking is at the core of creativity and it is stimulated by listening to happy music. Moreover, creativity is also triggered by a relaxed state one has. Which, in turn, is triggered by a good mood. Happy music can unleash your creativity and help you pour ingenious and innovative ideas on paper. For example, you need to write history essay, knowledge, memory and inspiration are necessary skills.

This is especially important when writing, as essays and assignments that explore complex topics are some of the most common student tasks. Professional essay writers from Writix.co.uk have a playlist with happy music to listen to when they need a little inspiration for the essays they need to write. So, you can build your own playlist too. Another valuable resource is CustomEssayMeister, they offer expert writing assistance on many subjects.

Music Can Boost Memory Skills 

Music has incredible effects on our mood, creativity, and memory. This is because when you listen to music, the areas in your brain responsible for speech, recognition, memory, reward, and emotion get activated. This means that listening to music can make you happier, but it can also direct your attention towards acquiring new information. If you listen to the same music every time you learn, this promotes learning because your brain learns to associate it with the activity you do. However, it also depends on the style of music you choose to listen to. 

Many studies show that listening to music can in fact impair memory skills and information retention. This is because many students choose to listen to music that has lyrics. And their attention will involuntarily be directed to the lyrics, hindering the learning process. But music without lyrics, such as electronic music or a classical one, can boost students’ memory skills. 


Music is one of the arts that define humans, that has the power of making us happier or sadder, that can help us learn more, and activate the reward centers in our brains. Music makes us feel good and this made many researchers think that Mozart’s music can make us smarter too. But as this was proved to be a myth, other effects of music on people’s brains began to be studied.

Music is powerful and it can boost your creativity, memory, and mood. Even though there is contradicting information on the effect of music on memory skills, the genre of music you choose to listen to is important. Electronic, classical, and any music without lyrics can enhance your learning process and help with information retention. Avoid listening to music with lyrics because your attention will be triggered by it. 

Author Bio: Joshua Robinson is a content writer passionate about music. He has studied the history of music, but also how it affects people’s brains. Now, he shares his knowledge on his blog. 



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About Joseph Timmons (10135 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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