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Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes Hosts VIP-only Abode for Musicians to Relax and Record in the Coachella Valley

Jesse Hughes, the devilish leader of desert-rockers Eagles of Death Metal, counterculture icon, and frontman for his solo project Boots Electric, has built a temporary space where musicians hanging out in the Coachella Valley next weekend are invited to come relax, create, practice, and even record. Located at the invite-only Vestal Village event, “Vatican City,” as it’s been dubbed by Hughes, will feature an air conditioned compound with plenty of high quality recording gear from Orange Amps and Blue Microphones, as well as PA and drum equipment supplied by Guitar Center. Those in attendance can also check out the latest products from Orange, who will be featuring the newest version of their Windows PC, the Orange OPC MKIV.

“I’m creating an artist’s Shanghai-la. It is a strictly invite-only, elite affair, but I will be producing a record of music from the weekend for the masses,” said Hughes. “The details of participants is being kept completely secret and invitations will only go to the fortunate few.”

Video and audio recordings featuring Jesse Hughes and other musicians will be released in the weeks following the event through Orange Amps, Blue Mics, and other media outlets.


Musicians and artists interested in attending Vatican City may email for consideration.



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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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