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New Faces New Sounds: Becca Adams


New Faces New Sounds:  Becca Adams

Today in Music – Becca Adams has released her 5th single “Anuwa” (Light).

Written, produced and released by Becca Adams herself. She is an upcoming artist from Sweden with a rare and powerful voice and has a story to tell and to be remembered.

In commentary, Becca said -“To open your eyes and to see what actually is there, it is a high energy that lives deep within you and all around you.  Anuwa is you, me and everything that exits and doesn’t exist.  Whatever you believe in, whatever you feel, you are a part of something bigger. This song is about that. It all started with this melody that came to my head out of nowhere. You can hear it in the beginning of the song “Anuwa“. I felt this urge to sit down at my keyboard and computer and start recording.  This song just came to me without any struggle.  I call my music “feeling music”. Since every melody and music is a peace of emotions and feelings.  That will bring different feelings depending on who is listening to it. If you do what you love it will be full of energy and everyone will understand it in their own way. I want my music to bring you to places with your mind.”

Learn more about this artist:

YouTube: Becca Adams

Instagram: @beccaadamsofficial

Facebook: Becca Adams

And listen to her on Spotify:




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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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