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Straw Family Band Update: New Music and Musings

IndiePulse Music loves to follow the Straw Family and their Musical creativity and new offerings, we connected with them to see whats going on and got some fantastic news for you.


IPM: What is the latest news with Straw Family Band?

We’ve just been in the recording studio finishing two more singles. They are going to be released very soon. The song called “Another Life” is written by Henriette and Carsten, but is having all three girls – Henriette, Denise and Sally – as lead vocals. The song “Perfectly Fine” is both written and song by Sally. Besides we’ve been participated in a TV-show on Danish television about us as a Family band. And we’re also looking forward seeing our concert on TV this fall recorded live in a TV-studio.

IPM: You’re a band that is known for it’s love of making videos. What new video(s) do we have to look forward to from Straw?

Of course we’re preparing recordings for the upcoming singles “Another Life” and “Perfectly Fine”

IPM: It’s known that Straw would like to go on the road and tour, any news on that possibly happening?

For now we’re still waiting for it to become reality. Of course it’s something we’re looking very much forward to. But we’ve been standing a bit still in that matter. Both Sally and Denise just gave birth pretty close to each other. 30th of March Sally gave birth to a little baby boy named Damian. 3th of August Denise gave birth to another little baby boy named Elton. As you may know Denise and our guitarist Frederik is a couple, so Frederik just became a parent too. Damian has already been with Sally/Straw in the recording studio and on stage for the sound test. He already loves the music. Our babies are getting used to being in the music business from the start! That’s important, so we can keep moving forward and continuing chasing our dreams on being on the road touring.

IPM: What other music is everyone in Straw listening to now?

Our age in the band is stretching from 22 years old to 68. So maybe you can guess that we’re listening to lot of different music. We love lots of different music genres all from fine, creamy pop to hard rock. As long as the music has a soul – we like it!

IPM: Any parting thoughts?

There’s a possibility that we might going to tour in Norway, Finland and Germany next year. We’re also working on a Christmas song we hope will get success at Christmas time.

About the Straw Family Band

Straw, a band from Scandinavia that is now making its way onto the American music scene, bringing the perfect blend of inspired music and fun to a growing fan base.

Music is a True Family Affair, and with Straw, family matters most, they stay together and play together, but with Straw, they also ROCK Together!

Straw Family is not just a band that calls itself “Family”, it is a family, loving, nurturing and caring for one another, and they wish to share that love with us all, and in that familial love, we can find the strength to live and love everyday.

Find and Follow Straw Online:
Their Website
Twitter: @STRAW_DK



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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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