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Friends & Family Christmas Compilation

PENULTIMATE RECORDS have announced a FREE 31 track Friends & Family Christmas Compilation that features a long list of amazing upcoming artists from all over the world. The Compilation is available as a digital download direct from their website now.

“We really wanted to make this year’s compilation as big as possible with a focus on showcasing female representation and some of the great Australian artists that are making some noise at the moment in addition to pulling in as many international acts as we could.”, Say’s Penultimate Records owner Jamie Mallinder.


Back Garden Light, Brightr, Bukowski, Carried Away, Carrington, Castlefield, Elbow Room, Eyes Open, Felicity, Flicker, Gold Steps, Goodfella, Grenade Jumper, H_ngm_n, Meanings, Oaks, On The Verge, Painting Rockets, Rain Check, RCKLSS, Romancer, Satellites, Shorelines, Squid Fishing, The Playbook, Triggerlip, Two Trains Left, Val Astaire, When The Clock Strikes and Why Everyone Left.

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The Australian based DIY record label which only started last year has had a massive year in 2018, with releases from Forever Came Calling, Castlefield, Goodfella, Bukowski, Why Everyone Left and The Sleepyheads and more pencilled in over the new year. The label offers a different option to artists and it looks like it is beginning to pay off. “The music industry is changing. Traditional models applied by record labels are becoming increasingly less relevant as we enter the digital age. Penultimate Records embrace this change and put the power back in the hands of the artist. Put simply, our roster is our family.” reads their website.


Penultimate Records social media pages: 

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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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