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‘He’s Gone Rogue’: quite possibly a new analogy of our Era

The latest release by Fred Hostetler, Singer / Songwriter and Humanitarian, is a statement on the “New Abnormal”

Review and Op/ Ed by Joseph Timmons – IndiePulse Music Magazine

If any of you have been, an I am sure many of you are, concerned with the present state of the union, the dystopian reality we are traversing while trying to live our lives in this country, the present administration is doing its very best to tear the fabric of our democracy apart. We have a leader that balk talks and double talks with a frequency that is mind boggling, to the point where it contradicts itself mid-sentence. The president, with his finger pointing and tongue wagging is the “Clown in Chief”, but not a “Bozo”, more like a Pennywise…

I do not think at any time in our nation’s history, have we had a leader that so identifies with the extreme opposite of what our nations is supposed to stand for, a leader hat separates with hate and flawed observation, rather than unifies with inclusion.

In steps Fred Hostetler, an artist that views from the point of reason, and with his new track ‘He’s Gone Rogue’, he brings to mind the philosophies of the folk singers that helped to shape the civil rights movements and be the voice of the generations that sought peace in our times.


With the new single ‘He’s Gone Rogue’ Hostetler has penned a politically relevant progressive country tune. The eclectic arrangement and production provide the sort of humorous context needed for social comment and the implications of the lyric. Acoustic guitar fingerpicking romps along over layered drums with pedal steel guitar providing the melodrama. With this recent release, we see why Hostetler was awarded 2019 Best Singer Songwriter by LA Music Critic.


Fred Hostetler’s commentary on his release ‘He’s Gone Rogue’: “The moment I heard this phrase while watching the national news I knew I had to write this song. The Ken Burns documentary on Country Music and Stephen Colbert’s Late-Night monologues provided the fuel and impetus to give it a meaningful lyric and proper progressive country format to complete it.”

 The track is a light and bouncy, and somewhat humorous temptation to look at things from a sarcastic point of view. Now, and this is only my opinion, but from what I have seen and heard, Fred has made antidotes and references to politics in a somewhat tongue in cheek fashion, and I feel in this track ‘He’s Gone Rogue’ truly references what is going on in our country’s current administration, where we have a “leader” that moves with such an unstable and aggressive nature, one would think he has lost his capacity to be a leader at all, and instead has “gone rouge” and lays waste to any and all that would oppose a totalitarian rule.

Teaser Snippet One

Teaser Snippet Two

I watched and listened to the 2 “Snippets”, in and among the music, there is the sound of an alarm clock, subtly buzzing in the background, an where this may be for effect, it is symbolic of our need to wake up, brush of the zombie sleep we are wading in, and see the fact that this administration needs to be cleansed… a common and repetitive phrase the president uses is  “We need to Clean and Drain the swamp”.. well, I think we know where to start.

Now, my personal opinion on the political issues may not sit well with many, in fact, I have come to some interesting and heated conversations about the present sitting president, but, as in the past, when everything in a country goes sideways, it is the musicians, the singers / songwriters that become a voice of reason for the people, and at this time, I can think of no better spokesman than Fred Hostetler, a man that speaks from the place in the heart that holds love for the people of this world.

More on Fred’s Website –  fredsheartradio.com

Find and Follow Him on Facebook – Fred Hostetler: https://www.facebook.com/bluebynature/



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About Joseph Timmons (10136 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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