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Interview with Revilution

Hello, where are you guys from and where are you currently located?

Dan Seitz, vocals, guitar: I’m originally from a tiny little town in Idaho, but I’ve lived in Arizona and, most recently, Colorado, before moving to California.

Scott Flint, guitar, vocals: I’m from Moreno Valley, and I also live there.

Marie B, vocals: I moved to CA from Colorado to manage the band which originally consisted of only Dan.

How do you describe your genre of music overall?

Scott: Melt Your Face,High energy Rock/Metal.

Marie: It depends on who I’m describing it too. If they’re a MetalHead and I can tell they’re old school I say we sound like Metallica, Black Sabbath style. If they’re a musician I’ll describe the instrumentals as heavy guitar shredding and drums with strong vocals that you can understand what they’re saying.

Dan: One person we’ve spoken with called it “Street Rock.” I call it “Neutronium.” We don’t limit ourselves to any particular style, we play whatever we think sounds good, as long as it’s got energy and balls!

Tell us about your upcoming new music release!

Scott: We are currently writing music for our full album, and trust me it will be smokin’ hot!

Marie: The music we’re making to record for the upcoming album is high energy and driven by the guitar playing and incredible drumming. Without giving too much away… Brandon can literally drum more technical than seems humanly possible. Dan always represents consistent lead and rhythm guitar playing. There’s a lot to be said for that. And Scott is even shredding out some ethereal sounds that will change your brain space. (For those who aren’t familiar with Scott’s guitar playing, he can also play bass guitar and he does it equally as well as any other guitar.)The songs are fun and mind bending. When you hear them they get stuck playing in your head. This time, the sound is more uniquely REVILUTION than previous sounds. We’ve been doing this long enough we are maturing into our own sound.

Dan: This one is gonna be heavier than anything we’ve done before, but it’ll still retain the elements that made what came before so good. It’ll be more diverse, as well, with everyone in the band contributing ideas from their unique perspectives.

How would you describe your LIVE show to someone who hasn’t seen it before? 

Scott: Absolute Fun and Mayhem. We live to perform live, and making sure the audience has a good time time is our no.1 priority.

Marie: Our live show is pure energy. We have had other bands compliment us on our brutal set. With me up front stage engaging the crowd and accentuating the sounds coming from the band, I think it makes the live show intense. Sort of like a 5D sound wave.

Dan: The best band you’ll see all night!!!

Where are your favorite places to play and a few dream spots you would like to play as well? 

Scott: I luuuuuv playing Las Vegas as well as the rest of the band, Las Vegas has magic in the air, and the fans are A1. My dream gigs would be playing some of the big summer festivals in Europe and playing anywhere in Japan.

Marie: My best shows on stage as a singer have been in Las Vegas. MGM Grand always has a great audience. Then, with REVILUTION, we’ve done the Double Down Saloon. Both of those shows were awesome so I think there’s probably a great metal scene in Las Vegas that we haven’t played yet. I’d like to do that. Get people talking you know?

Dan: Double Down Saloon in Vegas is definitely worth the drive, that place rocks! I’d like to hit some other spots there, too. And I think I’d like to play Australia!!!






End of Interview



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