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The growth of Musician and Entertainment Influencers: Spreading the Vibe!   

Op/Ed by Joseph Timmons: IndiePulse Music Magazine  

From its very humble beginnings, musicians have inspired their fans and followers’ lives, in fact, often touching their very souls. It has always been an uphill road for artists, long hours in their studios, writing and rewriting music to meet the perfect mark. Some musicians make their way to stardom, while others have to tour the smokey bars and nightclubs forever. It has been said that if you get into music to be rich and famousyou’re in the wrong biz… 

Now, in the modern day, with digital technologies, musicians can do amazing things, but reaching their fans is, as it has always been, a difficult task. The new social media and digital marketing opportunities available through social media is amazing, music streaming, music marketing and distribution sites make creating content and selling albums bring a new level of “fame” to artists, but it is a new breed of online bloggers, journalists and community sites that are in the forefront. 

The “Influencer” as it is titled, people that love what they love and want to share their opinions with people that think and feel the same way are making trends, from Fashion to Culture to Personal Style… Art and Literature… even Travel. The “Influencer” can be a musician’s friend. 

Billboard Magazine recently wrote an expansive article on why the big-name stars are moving towards using and relying on Digital Marketing, a great article, but what about the “little guy” the artist that works 2 jobs, gigs and tries to make ends meet selling CD’s and T-Shirts at their merch tables… 

Well, working with Bloggers and “Influencers” may be what you need. These Social Media savvy new media journalists love being on the edge, the tip of the trends and will report to their fans and followers religiously. While doing my research I came across a site where many influencers get leads, a top site in today’s blogging circles, Intellifluence is similar to the editor’s desk, a distribution site that gets leads out to writers, with a minimal, if any cost involved. Like the other Social Media options, artists can connect with writers who want to share the artist’s news, help build a fan base and really get people excited. 

Whether you are a solo musician, part of a band, a DJ – it doesn’t matter, Influencers are waiting to hear from you. there are networks of artists who are utilizing influencer marketing to get the word out about their releases. Many of these networks are affordable, but also powerful. and with tens of thousands of Influencers that can help you promote your music, no matter the genre. From casual listeners to full-fledged aficionados, the Influencer networks are made up of trusted peer-level influencers that are ready to join your campaign. 

The modern musician and performing artists have a new wealth of tools at their disposal and the world can truly be your stage. 



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About Joseph Timmons (10142 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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