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Fred Hostetler Releases New Music – ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’

Fred Hostetler’s latest single is a fresh and bluesy rendition of Bill Wither’s hit song.

In his latest release, ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’  features Hostetler’s vocals echoed by his ‘call and response’ blues guitar riffs. Backing vocals and an expansion of lyrical content for the song were contributed by Robbie Cribbs.

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Available for streaming and downloading at Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify, CDBaby, and nearly everywhere.

In Review: ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’ performed by Fred Hostetler is a beautiful and heartwarming tribute to Bill Withers and brings the listener to a level of joy and love that is so needed in these times. As in all of Fred’s music, there is a spirituality that exudes and brings us all together, a universal harmony that is a silent yet strong and binding force that is felt by all that know and come to love his work. I would not say Fred is “covering” the song, but bringing it to life in his own and very special way.

In commentary, Fred Hostetler says: “The passing of Bill Withers this year, motivated me to do my own bluesy Gary Moore…ish type version of his hit single, Ain’t No Sunshine (when she’s gone). I hope it honors his legacy and continues to bring soulful and heartfelt feelings across genres like he was able to do. Having journeyed down the river of life I have really come to appreciate the extraordinary power and love women possess and experienced the loneliness of separation from the source and the force. This being said it was with great enthusiasm that I picked up my acoustic guitar and nailed down the key, the tempo and did a quick rendition of this ode to the power of womanhood. It felt natural and suited me to treat it more like a blues song with good groove. Robbie Cribbs helped with backing vocals and the “dust on the wind, tumbleweed” bridge. Longtime friend Eric Troyer of ‘The Orchestra’ stepped into to handle the mix and to solve the problems I created by trying to do all the recording myself in my home. A founding member of  ELO Pt.2, he has worked with John Lennon, Aerosmith, Billy Joel and many other great recording artists.”




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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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