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Running form needs to be practiced, so you can fully enjoy this leisure activity

Running cross country is more than just running the miles. One under looked aspect of running is the proper running form. Athletes do not just use their legs to get from one point to another. If you want to make a serious change in your life, get off the hard rock casino online and put on your running shoes. If you are new or advanced, it’s essential to have good running form. If you don’t you set yourself up for injury and then you are right back in bed. Pay attention to these tips to help you enjoy the best leisurely experience. 

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Running tall

When an athlete runs upright, they are forward. The runner does not lean forward, or backward, but will keep their body over their feet. This keeps the runner balanced when running through various terrain on cross country courses. When a runner is upright, over-striding does not become an issue. A common flaw that runners make is not using proper arm action. Do not let the hands swing across your upright position. Arms should be kept down low near the hip level. The best runners will have their arms slightly bent at the elbows. 

In summary, these are some of the basics that a coach should teach when perfecting an ideal running form: Look straight ahead and never at the ground. Keep the body balanced over the legs. Carry the arms at a lower position, and angled at the elbows. Land on the lower ball of the foot. Try not to land on the toes because this will lead to shin splints. A runner should breathe deeply, regularly, and inhale and exhale through the nose and the mouth. Avoid unnecessary tension and stress. Let the lower jaw feel relaxed. 

Practice with hills

Practicing your form during speed or hill training is the best way to get better with your form. It doesn’t matter if you listen to Vegas music or a relaxing orchestra to keep you motivated. Your body needs repetition to engage its muscle memory. Hill running is beneficial in terms of teaching runners to run with perfect form. Joe Newton, the legendary York High School coach, told his athletes to “attack the hill.” In simpler terms, the faster you get up the hill, the less time you are on the hill. 

When attacking the hill, a runner should lean forward with their chest. Shorten your stride, and drive more with the knees. Try and pass anyone around to give some internal motivation. There will be some runners that are not mentally ready to take on hills. It is important to teach how to mentally attack the hill as well. Do not go into the hill with the mentality of, “when is this going to end?” Attack the hill with the mentality of “I am going to pass as many people as I can.”

Practice Breathing 

The runner should breathe through their nose and their mouth. This maximizes the amount of oxygen that goes into the lungs and avoids cramps. There are ways to practice this. Start by placing your hand on your stomach. Breathe in only through their mouth. The stomach will slightly move in and out. Then, breathe in through your nose and out with your mouth. The change in distance is astounding because by doing this, much more oxygen is circulating. 

Runners do not need to count breaths or time their footsteps. There are two types of minds. If a runner does not like to focus on their breathing, that runner may focus on their arm placement and the breathing will take care of itself. For others that need to refocus, they can focus on their breathing. Every mind is different. 



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About Joseph Timmons (10136 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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