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Ed Roman Holds Nothing Back On “I Have a Dream”

              Ed Roman delves into a soothing, peaceful realm with “I Have A Dream”. While this does fit in nicely with the overall country vibe, it is a different sort of country. This is the country music best associated with acts like Lambchop, the ones offering genuine emotion featuring a degree of weirdness. His delivery proves exceptional for he has a bit of humor, a bit of playfulness to his verses. The words chosen here further add to the journey that he brings the listener on. Layer upon layer intermingles giving the whole work a kaleidoscopic spirit. Plenty of color gets brought into the overall mix for it swirls about in a delirious haze.

              The rhythm starts out laid-back, mellow and wonderful. Upon this initial burst of energy things escalate. Nothing intense, rather he fleshes out the groove carefully. Instrumentation goes for a unique take, as it expands in unexpected yet tasteful ways. Lots of the work goes for the truly inspired. A story emerges, one of hope with the song progressing steadily. Balance matters with the whole of the work making sure to pay considerable tribute to the strength within his voice. As the song comes to a close, the many voices coming together as one is a pure delight for it fades out into the distance.

              “I Have A Dream” holds absolutely nothing back with Ed Roman delivering a story straight from the heart, a longing that is doubly refreshing.



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