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“Robot M 2052” by Bobby and the Crew

From an instrumental point of view, there’s nothing too out of the ordinary coming into focus in the new single “Robot M 2052” by Bobby and the Crew – it’s perhaps what this band is doing with the pieces comprising this song that deserves some spotlight over the actual tools they’re employing for the task at hand.

There’s a synthesized component to “Robot M 2052” that would normally be a bit off-putting to the serious rock fan, but when implemented beside so much of the tenacity the guitar and bass parts have to offer in this single, it makes it quite impossible for us to listen to the climax of the track without feeling like we’re being washed away by the tides of an epic rock n’ roll ocean. There’s nothing wrong with incorporating external elements if it means bringing your material to the kind of climax Bobby and the Crew are able to muster up in this performance, and although there’s been some talk among critics about the vacuum mix effect feeling a little underwhelming in the 2020s, I personally find this song to go out of its way in proving such a notion to be false.

We’re made to get closer to the heat in this song not through any fanciful tricks in the composition, but via a carefully structured master mix that could get just about anyone to appreciate how much detail really goes into producing a pop single the right way. What works for a lot of players on the mainstream level, and even the underground for that matter, doesn’t work for everyone, and you don’t have to be a professional music critic to acknowledge how fluidly everything is coming together in “Robot M 2052.”

This isn’t a band that is purely hung-up on the tempo or the tone of the instruments, although this is quite the danceable song, but instead the finished product they’re trying to deliver to the listeners, whether we’re prepared for the sonic weight of the music or not. They could have pushed these guitar parts a little harder than they did, but in its totality, I think this is still a single that throws around a lot more muscularity than the majority of content emerging from the underground has been at the moment.

There’s undeniably a lot more to work on with the foundations of what Bobby and the Crew have as their signature sound, but compared to the majority of their competition, I think they’ve got a lot to be proud of with the release of this latest single. There’s a growing interest in industrial-influenced content across the board, but very little that I’ve listened to that has the flexibility and ease this song does. I personally think that the majority of the band’s sound lies on the rock elements they’re not yet exploiting to the fullest, but with a little more time and focus on specific parts of their style, I don’t see where Bobby and the Crew won’t grow beyond even what “Robot M 2052” is made of.

Mindy McCall

The music of Bobby and The Crew has been heard all over the world in partnership with the radio plugging services offered by Musik and Film Radio Promotions Division.  Learn more



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