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Isolation Party Launch New Video “Pointing Fingers”

New Video Promoting Release of New Album “Fiberoptic Holiday” on the No Front Teeth Records Label.

Isolation Party, four piece Garage Punk band out of London Ontario, influenced by the sonic palette of Guided By Voices, writing style of The Replacements and attitude of The Demics.

Formed in 2015 as a recording project by Rob Brake, the lineup was solidified by the inclusion of songwriter Josh McQuade who contributed to what would become the first music video “Tina’s Ballad”. Further lineup additions were made with the addition of London musicians Jake Jackman and Preston Lobzun to cover drums and bass respectively. Following up from previous tape ep “ISO”.


The band’s debut album “Fiber Optic Holiday” comprises of eleven bleak and high strung tracks juxtaposed beside classic power pop and post-punk melodies. The album was engineered by bass player Preston Lobzun and mixed by The Watershed studio’s owner Eric Altomonte over the span of a few short days.

”Post Punk in the style of power pop/garage. Reminds me of the EXPLODING HEARTS and at times THE NUMBER ONES. The LP should be killer!” Maximum RocknRoll Magazine

The Debut LP “Fiberoptic Holiday” released on the No Front Teeth Records Label from London, England, officially due out on Vinyl this November 2018.

Upon release of this album, the band plans on extensively touring Europe & Regional Canadian Circuits, and Possible US / further North American Dates TBD.

In the recording process of the feature track “Pointing Fingers” a cello bow was being played on a piece of sheet metal while being punched with a synthesizer played over top of it. This helped creative a inventive, unique noise that you can hear throughout the very beginning of the track.

Having the camera almost completely malfunction due to the extremely hot temperatures. We felt it was necessary that the video no matter what, was shot in a garage. Paying homage to all the garage punk rock bands and records that helped pave the way for bands like us.”    

The video for “Pointing Fingers” was shot and directed by Thomas Vickers, Album Purchase available at the groups Bandcamp Page – http://isolationparty.bandcamp.com  

NO FRONT TEETH RECORDS – http://www.nofrontteeth.co.uk




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About Joseph Timmons (10155 Articles)
I am the Father of 5 and a "Would Be Philosopher of Idiocy" - Author and Writer for several Blogs and Online Magazine. Review Journalist, Musician and Audio Buff. Follow Me and I'm Sure to Entertain.

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