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“Get Closer” (SINGLE) by Singer/Songwriter Arina Mai

Never let your body be filled with stress. Easier said than done, right? Or easier to sing than to actually be stress-less. Singer and songwriter Arina Mai, who hails from Denmark, calls the listener to awaken the endorphins and heal your soul in her debut single, “Get Closer”. A genre-defying song, Mai’s work is a celebration of humility and humanity.

The piano keys tingle. The electronic drum machine wonks about every fourth beat. The tiny bursts of percussion sort of set the stage, the tone, for a faster tempo song than anticipated. It gives it a slightly electro pop sheen. “Get Closer” has the makings of being the eye of the self-imposed stress storm. When you’re in the throes of a storm, it’s only natural to focus on the tornado around you, the swirling emotions and self-sabotage being flung your way. Mai irons out those details in her words.

Never let the rain come down to ruin your mood, rather, go smiling through, to feel you, her blossoming voice unravels. Her vulnerability and inspiration is subtle, but it collides with each moment as if it were a stepping stone. That’s the thing about Mai’s song – it’s not a moment, it’s a movement. She’s put in the work to have this mindset. She’s encouraging her listener to put in the time, even sharing with them to sleep safely through the night. So, listeners, shut off those phones, stay off of social media and free your mind. Like chicken soup for the soul, her words are so easy, but work each time. It’s just that simple.

Mai’s voice could easily slip into R&B, new age and pop genres. She understands people. She’s a natural. Her music, in English, can translate into any language. Her truth is a universal truth. “Get Closer” inches its way between straddling the line of pop and adult contemporary. Her voice has hints of Jewell, with a spackle of smoky timbre and angelic harmony. Even though she stays pretty close to her range, she does branch out a bit. She takes little steps, I think, in making the song have different pitch markers. I sensed a slight folk tone in her voice, too, that gave me a little bit of a Joni Mitchell vibe.

Mindy McCall



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